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A B O U T  D R Y  G R A S S E S  - K U R U  O T L A R  Ü S T Ü N E  ( 2 0 2 3 )

As Executive Producer

Feature Film​


About Dry Grasses ( Kuru Otlar Üstüne )


2023 - 197min. - Drama


World Premiere  76th Festival de Cannes - Main Competition

Turkish Premiere  30th International Adana Golden Ball Film Festival

Festivals  61st New York FF, 48th Toronto IFF, 42nd Vancouver IFF, 59th Chicago IFF, 29th Sarajevo,

20th Marrakech IFF, 24th Tbilisi, 47th Göteborg, 28th Busan, 44th Manaki Brothers, 71st Melbourne IFF

Director : Nuri Bilge Ceylan

Executive Producer:  Mediha Didem Türemen

Co-Producers : Alexandre Mallet-Guy (France), Janine Jackovski (Germany), Jonas Dornbach (Germany), Maren Ade (Germany), Nadir Öperli (Sweden), Kristina Börjeson (Sweden), Anthony Muir (Sweden), Sébastien Beffa (France)

In Association with : Memento Distribution, Arte France, Arte , TRT 12 Punto, Doha Film Institute

Supported by : Eurimages, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, TRT, Aide Aux Cinémas du Monde, Centre National du Cinéma et de L'image animée-Institut Français, Région Île-de-France, Moin Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein 


Scriptwriters : Akın Aksu, Ebru Ceylan, Nuri Bilge Ceylan


Deniz Celiloğlu  ( Samet )

Merve Dizdar  ( Nuray )

Musab Ekici  ( Kenan )

Ece Bagci ( Sevim )

Erdem Senocak ( Tolga )

T I M E L E S S - Z A M A N S I Z   ( development )

As Producer - Director


Director : Mediha Didem Türemen

Producer : Mediha Didem Türemen

W I N D S - R Ü Z G A R L A R  ( 2013 )

As Actress - Art Director

Feature Film​

Ruzgarlar - Afis - Mediha Didem Turemen.

Winds ( Rüzgarlar )

2013 - 117min. - Drama


World Premiere  26th Panorama of European Cinema - Athens

Turkish Premiere  19th International Adana Golden Ball Film Festival


Yusuf Nejat Buluz ( Murat )

Mediha Didem Türemen  ( Eleni )

Rüçhan Çalıskur ( Madame Styliani )

Zeynep Gülmez ( Selin )

Panayi Karanikola

Istelyano Okumus

Suat Usta ( Realtor )


Director : Selim Evci

Scriptwriters : Selim Evci, Murat Yaykın

Cinematography : Selim Evci

Art Director : Mediha Didem Türemen

Sound : Özkan Cosgun

Sound Edit : Ulas Agce

Color : Bora Göksingöl

Production : Evci Film

Locations : Gökçeada, Istanbul

Murat is a sound recordist who lives in Istanbul. He makes an unexpected connection in his records between a grandmother and a grandchild, which becomes a trip to the family's past to strengthen their ties.

T W O  L I N E S - İ K İ  Ç İ Z G İ  ( 2008 )

As Production Designer - International Relations

Feature Film

Iki Cizgi - Afis.jpg

Two Lines ( Iki Çizgi )


2008 - 97min. - Drama

World Premiere 65th Venice International Film Festival - Critics' Week

Turkish Premiere 45th Antalya International Film Festival


Festivals 38th Rotterdam, 31st Moscow, 57th Melbourne, 32nd Cairo, 32nd Sao Paulo, 31st Montpellier, 28th Istanbul, 20th Ankara, 16th Adana Golden Boll, 18th Film from the South Norway, 27th Cinema Novo Belgium, 9th Era New Horizons Poland, 21st Panorama of European Cinema Athens, 8th Beirut, 7th Tirana, 6th Bangkok, 6th Crossing Europe Austria, 6th Reykjavik, 5th CinePecs Hungary, 4th Cape Winelands South Africa


Gülçin Santırcıoglu ( Selin )

Kaan Keskin  ( Mert )

Mehmet Aslan

Perihan Kurtoglu

Özgül Kosar

Zeynep Aydın


Director - Scriptwriter : Selim Evci

Production Design : Mediha Didem Türemen

Cinematography : Meryem Yavuz

Sound : Ismail Karadas

International Relations : Mediha Didem Türemen

Production : Evci Film

Locations : Istanbul, Geyikli, Bergama, Foça, Ayvalık

Mert and Selin live two lives, one at daytime and one at night, imprisoned in a monotonous everyday life, where they each in their own way are observers of the world around them. Mert uses his days to photograph incidental passers-by, while Selin is a withdrawn businesswoman. But slowly the outside world crowds in on them, first when someone breaks into their apartment while they sleep and later when they decide to take the important step of entering the world, daring to go on a car trip to the south.

S E C R E T - S A K L I  ( 2015 )

As Art Director 

Feature Film

Sakli - Afis.jpg

Secret ( Saklı )


2015 - 102min. - Drama

World Premiere 39th Montreal World Film Festival

Turkish Premiere 52nd Antalya International Film Festival


Ilhan Sesen ( Mahir )

Settar Tanriogen  ( Ali )

Türkü Turan ( Duru )

Pelin Akil ( Elif )

Sehnaz Taftali ( Aysel )

Ümit Çırak ( Tuna )

Bala Atabek ( Sema )

Romina Özipekçi ( Doctor )


Director - Scriptwriter : Selim Evci

Art Director : Mediha Didem Türemen

Cinematography : Ferhat Öçmen

Sound : Murat Senurkmez

Music : Cengiz Onural

Production : Evci Film

Locations : Istanbul, Sapanca

The musician Mahir has a relationship with his daughter's friend, Duru. Ali Bey goes into a disarray mode when finds out what her friend and father have done behind her back.

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